So in order to replace that energy they need to eat a lot of food. To ensure a meal, the Mako shark implements certain tactics when hunting. It will often attack and bite off the tail of its prey ...
Shortfin mako sharks are built for speed ... They are a highly valuable shark on the international market, and have declined rapidly due to overfishing ...
The situation for shortfin mako sharks in the Atlantic Ocean is particularly ... Mahmood Shivji from the Save Our Seas ...
A young mako lies gutted on the dock of Star Island Marina in Montauk, New York, site of an annual shark-fishing tournament. More than 60 tournaments, targeting shortfin makos, threshers ...
WASHINGTON— The highly imperiled shortfin mako shark was denied federal protection today by NOAA Fisheries, which stated that a listing under the federal Endangered Species Act is “not warranted.” In ...
This is a photograph of shortfin mako shark scales which each measure about 0.2 millimeters in length. The front row of scales has been manually bristled to their maximum angle of about 50 degrees ...
There are two species of mako shark. These are the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, and the longfin mako, Isurus paucus. The mako is one of the rare warm-blooded sharks, so they prefer tropical ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) The online trade of endangered species is significantly impacting the shortfin mako shark, which is the most targeted species in this illegal market. A study ...