The ship Hezekiah Williams, with a valuable cargo, from Liverdool, England, for Philadelphia, went asbere on Saturday night at Port Joli. She bilged, and her masts are gone. The crew were saved.
London — An American man who said he was among the crew on the MV Stena Immaculate tanker when it was hit Monday by a cargo ship ... crew had been trained for disasters like this, and that ...
A year after the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Maryland, federal safety officials are urging bridge owners to ...
This week’s ship collision off the Humber could have been much worse. Just one person is unaccounted for and one other needed hospital treatment. The fire is mostly extinguished, the two ships ...
Cruise ship captain Wendy Williams rates eight cruise ship disasters in movies and television shows for realism. Williams breaks down how cruise ships deal with iceberg strikes, rogue waves ...
During a media briefing, NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy criticized Maryland leaders for not taking stronger preventive measures.
Global Ship Breaking Market is valued at approximately USD 3.98 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 8.2% over the ...
Shipping sources said such disasters were rare off Britain's coast: one the biggest involved the Sea Empress, which went down on the rocks off Milford Haven on Britain's west coast in 1996 that saw ...
The patrol ship will be about 200 meters long and weigh 30,000 tons. It will have a capacity that is three times the 6,500-ton size of the Japan Coast Guard’s current largest patrol vessel.
Nolan, a Suezmax vessel built in 1998, is in Alang, a major ship-breaking center in Gujarat in western India. It was sanctioned in 2019 for carrying Iranian oil, and was previously one of hundreds ...