Through it all, there was one constant: my dog, Franny. She arrived as a 9-week ... “There’s a point in your life, around 30, ...
Liz O'Connell is a Newsweek Reporter based in North Carolina. Her focus is on pet news and videos. Liz joined Newsweek in 2023 and had previously worked at, the Charlotte Business ...
On a beautiful first day of spring in Montreal, I said goodbye to my beloved pup Bella ... Bella came to us from Kiko Dog Rescue in 2011. A misfit of sorts, she was a perfectly imperfect terrier ...
Signs Your Dog May Be Saying Goodbye Losing interest in once-loved activities A dog nearing the end of life often abandons the routines they once enjoyed. That lively friend who eagerly tugged on ...
"The thought of them leaving their family makes me sad," one viewer on TikTok said. Another asked: "Do they get sad?" ...
“Losing my dog was heartbreaking ... “With only one facility in the entire city, saying goodbye to our pets with dignity becomes difficult. The BBMP must establish more crematoriums.” ...