The race between Jupiter and Saturn for the most moons in the Solar System may have just finally come screeching to a halt.
The discoveries bring Saturn’s total moon count to 274, nearly triple Jupiter’s and more than the total number of known moons around the other planets. “Saturn is the king of the moons ...
Its impressive moon tally means it has the most moons of any other planet in the solar system. Saturn's satellites differ greatly in their composition, from icy giants with subsurface oceans to ...
Photograph by NASA/JPL/USGS NASA's Cassini spacecraft captures the shadow of Saturn's moon Mimas as it dips onto the planet's rings and straddles the Cassini Division in this natural color image.
Are there more out there? And what exactly makes something a moon, anyway? These new discoveries cement Saturn’s place as the winner of the Solar System’s moon competition, with more confirmed ...
If you're a fan of our night sky here on Earth and its singular moon, then you'd probably really, really love the view from Saturn. A team of scientists — including a Canadian from the ...
You thought Saturn's 146 moons were impressive? Think again. The ringed planet's moon count has nearly doubled with the official recognition of 128 new Saturnian moons, bringing its total to an ...
Astronomers have discovered 128 new moons orbiting Saturn, further solidifying the planet as the "moon king" of our solar system. Astronomers from Taiwan, Canada, France and the U.S. announced the ...
Saturn is orbited by 146 moons, with Enceladus being the sixth largest at approximately 500km in diameter. This small, icy moon is characterized by its highly reflective white surface and geyser ...