Bacteria inside root nodules need oxygen to survive. A pink or red color inside a nodule indicates the oxygen supply is robust and the bacteria are thriving. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert!
The specific interaction of the bacteria with alfalfa root hairs results in the development of root nodules, differentiated plant structures containing intracellular bacteria. These bacteria reduce ...
These beneficial bacteria are housed in root nodules formed on legume roots. However, the uncontrolled formation of numerous root nodules can impede root function. To prevent this, legumes need to ...
Sixty percent of nitrogen in land plants and animals arrives by way of bacteria that live in special root nodules of leguminous plants, such as soybeans. These bacteria convert or ‘fix ...
Modulation of calcium signaling to enhance root nodule symbiosis Mar 25, 2022 Study reveals key role of plant-bacteria communication for assembly of a healthy plant microbiome ...
She found GA accumulated in the nodule primordium (the zone in the root cortex where cells start dividing in the early stages of nodule formation) in Medicago infected with rhizobium bacteria.
The key to their success is a type of bacteria called rhizobia, which lives inside nodules, or the little nubs ... So, the girls went to work. A root-hacking plan They attacked their work with ...