A fun, family adventure that follows a brave rhino named Riki and his duck friend Beni as they journey through tropical jungles to find a magic seed that will help save their home from a foreseen ...
“When he died, it was silent except for one little go-away-bird chirping ‘go away, go away, go away.’ ” There still might be hope, however, for the northern white rhino. Scientists have ...
“When he died, it was silent except for one little go-away-bird chirping ‘go away, go away, go away.’ ” There still might be hope, however, for the northern white rhino. Scientists have ...
Rhino horns, like our fingernails ... Those final moments were quiet—the rain falling, a single goaway bird scolding, and the muffled sorrow of Sudan’s caretakers. These keepers spend more ...
THE leucistic red kite is a truly rare bird, with only around ten thought to be left in the world. The species has been branded rarer than a southern white rhino, with sightings now increasingly rare.
THE willow tit bird is now considered a rare species in the UK, having been added to a red list, and thought to be rare than a Southern white rhino.