This webpage provides you with general information about the interview and what to expect. Interviews are intended to be an opportunity for information exchange between you and the academic department ...
One of the most common questions is why you want an MBA; most candidates are aiming to advance in their field or make a ...
This course will provide students with the skills to design, carry out, and write up a primarily interview-based study. Students will start off by learning what kinds of research questions can ...
A former JPMorgan employee says it's important to demonstrate in your interview that you researched the different groups in ...
Based on your research, make a list of strengths for ... In a “Why This School” essay or interview response, center your answer on a few concrete reasons. Try to keep the reasons varied.
Wait for the interviewer to mention salary and benefits. To research pay scales, refer to salary surveys and information on the Career Services website on in the career library. Don’t expect a job ...
You should be aware that the essay and the interview that may follow are the most important factors in admission for the Honor Scholar Program. The Honor Scholar Program does not simply look at your ...
This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation ... I encourage people to research the company before the interview, so they can come in and authentically speak to why they want to work there.