Captain Dan Veerhusen and Jan, his wife, run the Taurus, one of the few remaining boats that still fish herring in the Bering ...
17-23), while snow crab prices are firm, and crab meat sideways. It is almost like a broken record in the fact that red king crab prices continue to break through records on a weekly basis.
Historically, the red king crab fishery was Alaska's top shellfish ... from fisheries-dependent data (collected on commercial fishing vessels) or independent surveys (from scientific research ...
Bairdi crabs are smaller and less red in color. These crabs have four legs instead of the king’s five. At 5 pounds and 3 feet ...
Any regular viewer of “The Deadliest Catch “ knows that King crab fishing is one of the most dangerous kinds. In addition, the crabs are highly prized for their flavor and delicacy.