The Hinkley buck, tagged in Maine in 1955, was possibly the biggest whitetail ever killed at the time, and certainly in Maine.
I know if it was shot it wasn’t a state record, because there have been bigger deer killed than that one. But with it being a 27-pointer with all the points, I figured it would all add up, ...
With nearly 500,000 deer killed, the 2006 deer-hunting season recorded the third highest harvest in ... "It's pretty hard to grumble about numbers like that," Warnke said. The record harvest came amid ...
Had the deer been killed (or found dead) by a hunter, Milo Hansen’s giant would be the No. 2 B&C typical whitetail, and The General would still hold the world record—by a long shot.
This story, “For Want of a Bone, a Record Was Lost,” appeared in the September 1953 issue of Outdoor Life ... The farmers kept swapping stories about hunting in Canada and about killing moose, deer, ...
While wild deer are protected within and around Nara Park, up to 180 animals have been killed annually in a “controlled zone” outside the protected areas to prevent the animals from damaging ...
Nearly 200 deer were harvested as part of Pittsburgh’s deer management program over the 2024-25 archery season. A city harvest report said 92 of those deer were donated to local food banks ...
OBIRA, Hokkaido--The worst brown bear attack on record, one that left seven people ... “The bear might have been eating a deer because its fur was shiny and the animal was not scrawny ...