How tribal leaders, commercial fisherman and a few small environmental groups won an uphill campaign against dams.
The Cambodian government has approved at least three new irrigation dams across the Cardamom Mountains, carving even deeper ...
The lawsuits from the Heron Cove Association (HCA) stemmed from special assessments imposed on property owners within the Four Lakes Special Assessment District. These assessments were designed to ...
Algarve’s dams ‘full enough to guarantee three years’ supply’; Environment agency says it can work with “peace of mind” now ...
In a welcome development for Morocco’s water resources, several dams across the country have recorded substantial increases ...
A four-year state comptroller's review found hundreds of dams in New York lacking either an emergency plan or plans that ...
Further positive inflows were recorded at Friedenau Dam, which saw a 0.014 Mm³ increase, bringing its storage level to 46.8%. The Otjivero Main and Silt Dams also benefited from the rains, with ...
The Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) on Saturday reported that the 2024/2025 rainy season remains below average in most parts of the Kingdom, although recent rainfall between March 19 and 22 ...
Key dams across the country have seen significant increases in water levels thanks to recent rainfall, bringing relief to several regions and boosting the country's water security, NamWater ...
Controlled water releases from the dams of Beliche and Odeleite are going ahead due to the high levels of water brought by ...
A recent audit found dams in New York are not being reviewed per guidelines The state DEC shared better figures for compliance but acknowledged a need for improvement Dams in poor condition and at ...
Heavy rains have returned to Morocco after seven years of drought, bringing relief to many regions and increasing dam levels ...