At the time, many observers were convinced that the Rebbe’s demise would spell the diminution and decline of his Hasidic movement, particularly because he had left no successor. The movement he ...
It is difficult to obtain accurate estimates of the Hasidic population. The Hasidim are reluctant to count themselves: when asked how many followers he had, the Lubavitcher Rebbe replied ...
A traveler once arrived at the court of a renowned Hasidic Rabbi and, with a trembling voice, with the urgency of one ...
The landmarks of the Hasidic neighborhood, the prayer house (the shtibl), ritual bath (mikveh), studyhouse (besmedresh), rebbe's residence, and school, are usually all within walking distance of ...
KIEV (JTA) — It was not his desired meeting place, but Rudy Giuliani still looked very comfortable enjoying a cigar in Paris with Moshe Azman, a Hasidic ... the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the late ...
In a world that has accorded the Rebbe prophetic status, he is not afraid to note his failings — such as his failure to have Chabad stay close to its Hasidic roots and to limit the role of ...
The people he was close to were mostly non-Hasidic Litvish Roshei Yeshiva and rabbis. The notable exception was the Lubavitcher Rebbe with whom he had, at times what seemed at least outwardly to ...