If approved, additional revenue generated from this tax increase would be allocated to programs and resources designed to ...
In a move to prioritize enhanced public safety, Chesapeake City Council is considering a 2-cent increase in the real estate ...
Real estate is also generally subject to probate or estate administration tax before an executor of a will can transfer the property or sell and distribute the cash proceeds from the property to a ...
An “expediter” on real estate and construction matters has admitted to his role in a conspiracy to bribe city officials, prosecutors said.
County officials say the parcel – a common area belonging to the Tiburon View Homeowners Association – waws sold at a public ...
Taxpayers can contact the Land Services Department with any questions they may have about their property’s valuation and ...
"However, taxation comes into play when the heir decides to redeem or sell these inherited mutual fund units. The tax ...
Highlights: NBR chairman hinted that black money whitening scope may go in next budget If not fully abolished, black money ...