Rutherford County officials continue to work on PlanRutherford after facing opposition from home builders, real estate professionals and developers.
In the matter where a probe into a builder-banks nexus in the National Capital Region was earlier hinted at, the Supreme Court today called for a proposal from the Central Bureau of ...
Palo Alto’s latest housing proposal on San Antonio Road is an eight-story, 168-apartment complex targeting an area that city ...
These entities were responsible for producing 88.7% of Ethereum blocks in October, a figure that has since dropped to 80% yet ...
Farhi’s statement noted the proposal was supported by municipal planning and engineering staff, and that “council chose to deny their own staff’s recommendation.” Council voted 6-0 to ...
The new proposal would also build 300,000 square ... Residents lambasted the builder’s remedy law and urged the city to fight it. Patti Fry, also a former planning commissioner, contended ...
A decision by Woodstock politicians to reject a 258-home subdivision due to density concerns and pushback from would-be neighbours “is worsening the housing crisis,” says the businessperson ...
In turn, it will allow a fully democratized block proposal which will accelerate propagation. He added that compared to the Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS), the proposal prioritizes ...