Frequent cyclones and floods further devastate livelihoods, increasing poverty rates ... Yemen is the only non-African country on this list, suffering from an ongoing civil war since 2015.
A new World Bank report shows that poverty in Africa may be lower than current estimates suggest and no systematic increase in inequality, given the available data Challenges remain substantial: more ...
While the country as a whole has made tremendous gains in living standards, in July, the city's Shapotou district announced ...
At the time of Mr Dube’s visit in 1995 almost half of India’s population still lived below the international poverty line ... as well as the progress a country makes as older cohorts give ...
JAKARTA (Xinhua): Indonesia aims to eradicate extreme poverty by 2026, accelerating efforts to meet this target, Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar has announced.