The largest country in North America by land area is Canada, although the United States of America (USA) has the largest population. It is very cold in the north, near the Arctic Circle and it is ...
More than five years after a landmark study revealed a staggering decline in North American bird populations, a new report ...
In Europe, Muslims are expected to increase from about 6.8% in 2020 to about 8% in 2030 as a share of the population. North America is expected to see the most rapid Muslim population growth.
Over the past several decades, studies have assessed the massive population decline of people indigenous to North America following the arrival of European settlers. But, the researchers on this ...
The senior population in the U.S. has grown as the baby-boom generation has progressed into the 65 years and older age group. In 2023, there were 59,307,056 Americans over the age of 65.
Wild hogs aren’t just a nuisance — they’re one of North America’s most destructive invasive species. With no natural ...
There are some 2,000 bird species in North America. A third of the species examined are rated as high or moderate concern for conservation due to declining numbers, habitat loss or other threats.
Globally, the number of priests per 259,000 Catholics reflects regional disparities. While the ratio is higher in Africa and ...
When the human race — Homo sapiens sapiens — migrated out of Africa to the Middle East 90,000 years ago, to Europe and Australia 40,000 years ago, to North America 12,500 years ago ... larger wave ...