A political science degree is excellent preparation for careers in law, policy and government, as well as many positions that require analytical and communication skills. What you can do with a ...
Political Science is one of the most popular degree choices at Concordia and the Department of Political Science is ... Your transferrable skills can be applied to many different jobs and situations ...
A bachelor's degree in political science teaches you to link theory with real world issues and action through politics, public policy and administration. Learn to develop innovative approaches to ...
Graduates with a political science degree often pursue jobs as journalists, politicians, consultants, lawyers, intelligence officers, diplomats and campaign managers. Many jobs requiring a ...
Some graduates with a master’s in political science go on to earn a doctoral degree, while others pursue jobs in government, nongovernmental organizations or private companies. Graduates who ...
Tailor your political science master’s degree even further by choosing to complete a research-based thesis working ... The research and writing skills, the habits of mind and the understanding of ...
The topics of seminar courses will vary each semester with the interests of department faculty. You should meet with your faculty advisor to determine how you will meet the Political Science and Core ...
Alternatively, the skills that you develop are useful in a wide range of private sector jobs. As legal skills are often valuable in the public sector ... and a proposed four-year program of study for ...
The degree is awarded in recognition of marked ability and achievement. The political science doctoral program is specifically designed to allow students ... careers inside and outside the academy ...