But the masters and slaves never approached equality. The standard image of Southern slavery is that of a large plantation with hundreds of slaves. In fact, such situations were rare. Fully 3/4 of ...
Contains lists in tabulated format with columns for names, occupation, condition (in some cases) and number. Includes list of “Kupuis Gang” and “Douces Gang” as well as a summary of the increase and ...
Even older slaves saw him as a leader. Prosser died in 1798, and his son Thomas Henry Prosser, at the age of 22, became the new master of the Brookfield Plantation. Thomas Henry was a cruel and ...
4 个月
Raw Story on MSN'Executive slaves': Wave of racist 'plantation' texts reportedly sent out after election"You have been selected to pick cotton at the nearest plantation," the message read. "Be ready at 12 pm sharp with your ...
In the 1850s and 1860s, British North America became a popular refuge for slaves fleeing the horrors of plantation life in the American South. In all 30,000 slaves fled to Canada, many with the ...
The analysis intends to re-examine the implementation of a social control process going hand in hand with an economic dependency affecting the former slaves and/or new plantation workers because White ...
Johns River and purchased slaves. When the family began occupying the Kingsley Plantation in 1814, Anna helped manage a workforce of roughly 60 enslaved people, who produced Sea Island cotton ...
and visitors can tour the McLeod family home as well as the slaves' living quarters. They will also learn about the relationships between those who lived on the plantation and the property's ...