Neptune’s glowing auroras have been captured in the best detail yet by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. Auroras can happen ...
Hello Games has announced and released a brand new update for No Man's Sky, dubbing this update with the name Relics. If you ...
In the early hours today, for example, Northern Lights chasers saw the neon spaghetti above Whitley Bay, a seasid ...
A glowing, swirling spiral of blue and purple was seen across the UK and also in parts of Europe on Monday night. But what was it? The cloud-like shape appeared for several minutes before disappearing ...
Hello Game have somehow done it again. No Man's Sky has another surprisingly large update available adding in more new ...
When is the 7 planet alignment? Mercury to join in late-February. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are frequently seen in the night sky. But because Venus and Mercury orbit closer to the sun than Earth ...
Jupiter will be a bit lower in the sky, near Taurus. Venus will appear as the brightest planet in the sky, near the Pisces constellation. Mercury will be in the constellation Aquarius, near the ...
During just one night – 28 February – they will be joined by Mercury, a rare seven-planet alignment visible in the sky. It is a spectacle that will not be visible again until 2040. But such ...
If you want to check sky conditions before heading out, use our interactive satellite map to see if clouds may impact your view. Each planet varies in brightness, measured in magnitude.
Skywatchers can look up into the night sky this week to see a rare planet parade featuring seven planets in our solar system. On most nights, you can spot at least one bright planet. On occasion ...
Get ready to look up at the Iowa sky because there will be a rare planet parade in the night sky to end February. A planet parade is a colloquial term that refers to how planets form a straight ...