Before you start to write your paper, you should be able to state exactly what it is that you are ... It is difficult to overemphasize this point. There is no such thing as a piece of good ...
Read the article carefully and then draw a table like the one below on a piece of paper. Use your table to note down examples of persuasive writing as they appear in the article. Some examples ...
Before writing a paper, authors are advised to visit the author information pages of the journal to which they wish to submit (see this link for a full list of Nature Portfolio publications).
When writing an essay, it’s important to think about which aspects you would like to include in your paper. For example, are there definitions or background information that you’d like to explain ...
For example, it would be unacceptable to incorporate part of a term paper you wrote in high school into a paper assigned in a college course. Self-plagiarism also applies to submitting the same piece ...