One of A Kind Pet Rescue in Akron is devoted to helping cats and dogs in imminent danger -- and they also see just about every breed imaginable.
T here are so many unique and rare pets on social media, and it's always such a joy to see a breed you have never seen before ...
A new-to-science species of praying mantis found in Iran has been named as a symbol of universal freedom. Sinaiella azadi was ...
The 10-week-old Persian cat is a handful of personality ... All these comments, all these new followers on Instagram.” “All of our animals are very cute, but she is hilarious,” Amerosa ...
Andy has spent his retirement and his own money helping animals all over the world. His most recent trip took him to Iraq to help a rare and endangered species of leopard, an adult male Persian ...
Wilford, a Persian cat once described by his shelter ... One user wrote, “Awwww he’s a lover! Animals don’t behave like themselves in the shelter environment. I’m glad he has a nice ...
Stephanie Neesam advertised the Persian cats on Facebook under the name 'Purrcise Persian's' but was banned from keeping them in May last year after leaving them to suffer in a dirty environment ...