By documenting Alaska’s lakes and ponds in unprecedented detail, Levenson et al. show where and how water bodies can signal underlying permafrost thaw, providing a step toward a straightforward, ...
Arctic permafrost isn’t thawing gradually, as scientists once predicted. Geologically speaking, it’s thawing almost overnight. As soils like the ones at Duvanny Yar soften and slump ...
Thawing permafrost not only poses a global threat through the release of greenhouse gases, but is also expected to have far-reaching implications for about 3 million Arctic inhabitants who live in ...
The team of researchers explored caves in Canada to look for clues left in speleothemsmineral deposits accumulated over thousands of years—that might help answer when in the past did Canadian ...
As a result, the permafrost is beginning to thaw down to deeper layers. The consequences include subsidence and erosion. Many lakes are disappearing because the water can now drain, while new ...
Instead, they were delayed by several thousand years, until permafrost began thawing. The researchers say their findings indicate that thawing permafrost was an important trigger of landslides in ...
but factors such as glacial retreat and permafrost thawing may ‘lift the lid’ on this in the future,” explains Dr Thomas Birchall, lead author of the study and researcher at the University ...
The scientists found that the thawing permafrost posed an increased risk of exposure to infectious diseases and release of contaminants, and interruptions of supply routes. The study has been ...
Other reasons may include vegetation dieback (the gradual death of plant tissue) and the growing frequency of permafrost thaw. In tundra regions, average annual soil temperatures are trending toward ...