A pencil-thin mustache. One skinny line, that’s the whole production. But such content, such expression. Think of dadaist Marcel Duchamp scrawling a curlicue mustache on the “Mona Lisa.” ...
Can I create an entire artwork using just ONE continuous line for THREE hours straight? No erasing, no lifting the pencil—just pure focus, creativity, and endurance! This challenge pushes the limits ...
Needs a couple layers for intense colour payoff If you aren’t keen on a dramatic eyeliner look, this L’Oreal pencil is perfect for applying to your tight line (the inner part of your eyelid).
There’s a new Apple Pencil in town. The line-up for Apple’s tablet now comprises Apple Pencil, Apple Pencil and Apple Pencil. Which isn’t at all confusing. Fortunately, via the magic of bracketed text ...
“The pencil moustache is also called the pencil line moustache,” says Hunt. “It can either run the entire length of the upper lip or can be split right down the middle. Whatever style you ...
Apple Pencil Pro is the next evolution of Apple's iPad-only smart stylus. It houses an entire computer in the small chassis that calculates tilt, pressure, roll, and more while drawing a line at 9 ...
When I do wear eyeliner, I don’t like adding a ton of weight on my lids, and I like a very precise winged tip that won’t ...
The bottom line is that Rock Paper Pencil is the first iPad screen cover I expect that I’ll continue to use regularly. I love the texture for note-taking or reading and highlighting text in apps like ...