The supervisor will complete the supervisor section and sign the late timesheet, noting a brief explanation of why the time was not processed electronically. Manual check requests will be used for ...
The report only includes data through midnight on the 9th of each month. Timesheets submitted after the 9th are not reflected on the report. The missing timesheet report cannot distinguish between non ...
Click to view the appropriate pay calendar, including pay periods and timesheet approval deadlines. Academic Year (AY) appointments follow the academic calendar, while Fiscal Year (FY) appointments ...
The University of Texas at San Antonio is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research and discovery, teaching and learning, community engagement and public service. As an institution of ...
Click to view the appropriate pay calendar, including pay periods and timesheet approval deadlines. Academic Year (AY) appointments follow the academic calendar, while Fiscal Year (FY) appointments ...
Payroll discrepancies and irregular hours sparked tense exchanges between Smith County Commissioner Terry Phillips and ...