The truth is, say two marking equipment manufacturers, the return in thermoplastic technology is well worth the investment for pavement contractors looking to capitalize on a growing niche market.
The biggest investment when getting into thermoplastic pavement marking is the equipment. And what equipment a contractor should purchase depends on the size of the company and the type and size ...
EZ-Liner Industries is a leading manufacturer of pavement marking equipment, specializing in the application of latex traffic paint. We offer years of expertise and uncompromised attention to detail.
Katey Schleich, administrative assistant, was at the Fayette County Commissioners’ office Monday morning to open the bids for ...
pavement-marking and grinding trucks, and advanced waterblasting units. Hog has secured a leading position in the industry through its patented equipment designs, deep product expertise ...
Bids will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 8, 2025 for the 2025 Pavement Marking Project at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. This bid will be considered “All or None”.