It's never too early to plan the Seder menu or other dinners during Passover. This dairy-based, vegetarian lasagna will be a welcome addition during the eight-day holiday. Use matzo for the layers ...
The Seder is a Jewish meal that has been eaten for thousands of years during the Pesach or Passover festival ... Students could prepare a menu to desribe the meal.
Each include a meal with all the fixings (Seder plate, matzah, grape juice), but one is a bit lighter and more salad-forward. They also offer a full menu of kosher for Passover prepared food ...
Read our latest issue or browse back issues. In some Christian circles, honoring Jesus’ Jewish identity has manifested in a desire to connect to Passover by holding a Seder meal. While usually well ...
“I particularly love the etrog - and while it’s a flavor we use for Sukkot, I like to use it to shake up pre-seder margaritas (with some kosher for Passover tequila and lime juice) to get the ...