including the cerebellum and brain stem. These also fulfill critical functions. Running through parts of the brain are a dozen pairs of cranial nerves, which link the brain directly to muscles and ...
The cartoon-like drawings in the illustration show how much of the brain's motor cortex is devoted to controlling specific body parts. The reason that some body parts are depicted larger than ...
5 “You can’t have neural function when extracellular potassium is that high, so all the neurons enter an off state,” Robertson said. As a result, the neural activity in parts of the brain shut down ...
Each involves a spotlight on the brain and other parts of the nervous system, connecting them to one or more zones of psychology and behavior—from thought processes to social interactions to ...
But other parts of the brain may also be involved ... record electrical activity in their brains while they watch a video cartoon of a train disappearing into a tunnel. Traditional behavioral ...