WORK has almost finished on a “perverse” £3.5 million revamp of the traveller site where PC Andrew Harper’s killers hid. The renovations came despite the hero cop’s family pleading for the plan to ...
A £4.2m renovation of a traveller site where PC Andrew Harper's killers were arrested after his death is almost finished. PC ...
A £4.2m revamp of the Berkshire traveller site where PC Andrew Harper's killers did after his death is almost complete.
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PC Harper’s mum Debbie Adlam previously described the local authority’s decision as “disrespectful” and accused them of “stamping all over Andrew’s memory”. She wrote and told them ...
The wife of Pc Andrew Harper is among the first recipients of the new Elizabeth Emblem, awarded to the next of kin of those who died in the line of duty. Bryn Hughes and Paul Bone both received an ...
PC Andrew Harper’s widow, Lissie Harper, is calling for a new law to protect emergency services workers because she feels as though her late husband has been "totally let down" by the justice ...
A £4.2m renovation of a traveller site where PC Andrew Harper's killers were arrested after his death is almost finished. PC Harper died after being dragged along the road by three teenage quad ...
The renovation of the £4.2m caravan site where the killers of police officer Andrew Harper tried to hide after stealing a quad bike is almost complete. PC Harper died of his injuries while trying to ...
Sir Trevor McDonald examines the brutal killing of PC Andrew Harper in this crime documentary. Follow the investigation to catch his killers and the campaign to change the law.