After writing a 400-page book on string theory and then helping NOVA translate that book into a three-hour documentary, would Brian Greene, we wondered, have anything more to say about string theory?
Terri Randall, who created the documentary airing on “Nova,” says, “Talking to Shelley and some of the members of the NASA study group, I started to talk to them about what could we do to ...
GBH Education works with NOVA to bring these compelling stories to the K-12 classroom. The NOVA collection on PBS LearningMedia contains resources that are aligned to the Next Generation Science ...
With all the sightings of strange objects in the sky, people have been wondering for decades what these things can be. Whether it’s Roswell or Area 51, people have been convinced there have been ...
NOVA pioneered the science documentary series in the U.S. and remains the gold standard for engaging, accurate, and thought-provoking coverage, seen on TV by over 25 million people each month.
PBS President Paula Kerger has felt the heat from politicians over government funding before. But this time the FCC is focusing on the nonprofit's sponsorships.
Forty-six years ago, PBS' "NOVA" series debuted its first documentary about artificial intelligence. "The Mind Machines" featured many of the field's foremost voices, including Arthur C.
PBS’ “Nova” series examines the phenomenon of UFOs. A panel recently spoke with members of the media about the show, which is centered around a subject that has the whole world either ...