He collected specimens that inspired his theory of Natural Selection.This carved sperm whale's tooth, or scrimshaw, was made on the HMS Beagle. It is made from ivory and was carved by James Bute.
Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert ...
England had a big whale industry which was phased out in the late 1960's. Whale products were used in many domestic articles etc.
But they said tooth-rake marks (common after orca predation) were evident on carcass. Schulman-Janiger, also Lead Research Biologist for the California Killer Whale Project, said the orcas are ...
On the water, in my previous visits to the area, every hunt has worked the same way… A pod of orca surprise and attack a mother and her calf, some mothers fight tooth and nail to save their ...
Authorities are conducting an investigation after a dead whale was found caught on the ... the Ocean Research & Conservation ...