It’s been a decade since Old Spice and Wieden + Kennedy first captured people’s attention with The Man Your Man Could Smell Like – otherwise known as one of the most talked about ads of all time.
Actor Isaiah Mustafa talks about making the hilarious Old Spice commercial that has gone viral without even being aired during the Super Bowl. Video courtesy of Fox News.
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Hollywood stunt performers finally get their moment in the spotlight, while Old Spice resurrects its absurdist roots with a pirate who smells too good.
In the writers room where the Old Spice ads are assembled, silliness is taken seriously, Kreher says. Hours are spent poring over each ad to ensure they're funny, original and not too pandering.
And the Old Spice Guy hasn't thrown in the towel yet. He jumped back on the scene last month with a new series of ads, and the firm allowed one "superfan" to stream the first commercial on their ...
Isaiah Mustafa may not be a household name on its own. But, what if I said to picture the Old Spice guy? You'd likely think back to a recent commercial with Mustafa talking about how good the ...