Now that Apple sells over 230 million iPhones a year, it's easy to forget that it all began with two college dropouts in a ...
When it came to fashion, Steve Jobs was perhaps best known for his signature black turtlenecks. But he wore a more obscure and much more colorful bow tie to unveil a monumental product in the ...
It’s been more than two years since Apple pulled the switch on an all-new architecture for its smart home app, but there are still plenty of users who are hanging onto the old Home ...
Jobs wore it at an annual shareholder meeting in 1984, where he introduced the Macintosh computer ... as well as his old business cards. Products from Apple's early days have also been auctioned.
The old mute button design had not changed since the PowerBook G3 debuted in 1999. Apple users had lived with a small inconsistency between the physical keyboard symbols and the way macOS ...