With the end of the war and the release of the POWs, many decided to tell their stories about life as a prisoner in Vietnam. Perhaps the worst of the North's prisons, this facility was built to ...
Example Bombing President Johnson ordered the bombing of strategic military targets in North Vietnam ... sending soldiers into the jungle and villages of Vietnam to ‘take the war to the enemy’.
On Oct. 26, 1967, McCain's Douglas Skyhawk fighter jet was shot down over North Vietnam, crash-landing behind enemy lines. The wounded lieutenant commander was then taken to the notorious Hoa Lo ...
In 1968, with mounting criticism of the Vietnam War at home and abroad, President Johnson announced that he would stop the bombing of North Vietnam and that he would not run for re-election the ...
the “DMZ,” which once separated North and South Vietnam. These munitions continue to inflict almost weekly injury and death on the farmers and innocent children of small villages like those in ...
North's leader Kim Jong-un, left, attends a welcoming banquet held at the International Convention Center in Hanoi in March 2019 to celebrate his visit to Vietnam. [KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY] The ...