This provides basic data for adapting new approaches for water saving irrigation. * Nile Delta: A flat and low alluvial plain created by sedimentary deposits around the mouth of the Nile River, ...
It helped people to easily access the water from the River Nile. They built a system of canals to bring the water to the crops a process that's called irrigation. So it's no accident that one of ...
But the capacity of food production in the Nile Delta, the traditional major agricultural region, is limited, and the available water resources in the Nile River have already reached their limit ...
a key tributary of the Nile River. Egypt fears the dam will have a devastating effect on water and irrigation supplies ...
Former Egyptian minister of irrigation Mohamed Nasr Allam said ... international law to preserve its historical rights in the ...
Egypt froze its participation in the bloc in 2010, but last July, Egyptian Irrigation Minister Mohamed ... utilisation of the waters of the Nile river. Egypt and Sudan declined to sign the ...
Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Sewilam stated that Egypt was compelled to suspend its participation in the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) technical activities in 2010 due to ...
The Blue Nile Basin, a transboundary river basin between Ethiopia and Sudan, is used to illustrate the impacts of cooperation between riparian countries on the Water-Energy-Food nexus (WEF nexus).
Discover Ancient Egypt with these songs for 7 - 11 year olds and other video content - including the pyramids, gods and goddesses, mummification, the River Nile, hieroglyphs, farming and irrigation.