An Australian mining company’s lithium-boron mine in Nevada passed all environmental hurdles on Thursday, and an environmental group immediately notified the federal government that it plans to sue.
Interest in abandoned mines has spiked in recent years, according to Sean Derby, chief of Nevada’s abandoned mine lands program with the state Division of Minerals. Part of that has been driven ...
A class-action lawsuit filed against Nevada Gold Mines claims the Elko operation fails to pay employees for all time worked, including overtime. The lawsuit, filed by NGM employees, Kyle Wieben ...
Ioneer is the company behind the proposed Rhyolite Ridge lithium mine in western Nevada. The mine will devastate the only population of Tiehm’s buckwheat, a rare wildflower the Center petitioned to ...
All of Nevada belongs to Indigenous people. Our voices will be heard as we continue the fight for justice for the future of all beings of our earth mother.” The BLM approved the mine despite its own ...
windswept region of Nevada to extract the silvery-white metal used in electric-vehicle batteries, the $2.2 billion project is fueling a backlash. “No Lithium. No mine” proclaims a large hand ...
Nevada Sunrise holds the right to earn a 100% interest in the Griffon Gold Mine Project, located approximately 50 kilometers (33 miles) southwest of Ely, NV. As a complement to its exploration ...
to refine and validate exploration plans and targets at the Griffon Gold Mine Project ("Griffon", or the "Project") in Nevada, USA. DORA, VRIFY's AI-Assisted Mineral Discovery Platform ...