However, if you want to know how to make essential oils, you can make your own with a few ingredients! You can add any essential oil mix you prefer. The combination of lemon, lavender ...
Or just click the pink buttons to go to more essential online content. NB: some of these links go to external sites as the Essential Mix even predates our website!
A reader wanted to know why I said cumin and parsley essential oils were used in foods and yet also stated that essential oils should not be ingested. Let us address this. Some essential oils are ...
Mix until well incorporated. Then add in roughly 8 drops of Lavender and 4 drops of Lemon essential oils to the dry mixture. Next, stir to mix well. You can choose to swap out essential oils for ...
Loving Essential Oils has released a guide featuring DIY recipes for pink pepper essential oil diffuser blends using this versatile essential oil.