Emergency crews in northern California rescued a 16-year-old boy who took a tumble down a 50-foot-deep mine shaft while exploring ... officials said. The rescue team rushed to the teen’s rescue ...
South African rescue workers believe no one is underground anymore in the mine where dozens of workers died. So reports the head of the rescue operation after cameras descended. The death toll is ...
The appliance was ‘road’ tested at the Fire and Safety Australia Perth Live Fire Training Academy, where Scania said it ...
HAVANA, Fla. (WCTV) - Mine rescue teams from across the nation flocked to Havana, Florida for the 6th annual Surface Mining Emergency Response Training and Competition. Twelve teams participated ...
Once in the open air, the 16 year old was turned over to medical personnel. The mine rescue was the first of its kind that the department has responded to, Eldridge shares. She is now warning ...
The new truck will mostly be used for rural and wildland settings. AFR says a new heavy rescue truck is in the design phase, but it will be several years before that truck is complete. Editor’s ...