With the Metal Gear Master Collection's second volume on the horizon, these games need to make the cut this time around.
Going back to M2's port of the original 1998 Metal Gear Solid, this currently sits on patch 1.5. It remains a PS1 emulation effort, running at the original 240p resolution and 30fps target - or 25 ...
Metal Gear Solid on PS1 is a solid entry point for newcomers with its recent re-release in the Master Collection, allowing fans to relive the joy of playing it. The sequels provide additional ...
Sony’s first console packed in a lot of game changers that are well remembered. Here's which titles left a lasting impression ...
As Solid Snake infiltrates Outer Heaven, the player intrudes upon the game’s world. Neither are welcome, and if they’re caught, they will be destroyed. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake’s defining ...
Released in 1998, this was the first 3D title in the METAL GEAR series. The game pioneers 3D stealth action against the threat of war and global nuclear weapons, using live action footage ...
Today, we visit a 32-bit installation with Metal Gear Solid. For anyone looking to (re ... It’s just dripping in PS1 and that period of gaming, and I took great pleasure in the history lesson.
Metal Gear Solid 3 is the earliest game in the Metal Gear timeline despite being the third entry in the Metal Gear Solid series. The game is set in 1964 during the early stages of the Vietnam War ...
Metal Gear fans looking for a way to pass time while waiting for the Snake Eater remake may want to check out the new tabletop adaptation of the first Metal Gear Solid game. Released in January ...
I love the Metal Gear Solid mainline games but there’s no pretending that he probably could’ve explored the same gameplay and story themes with different characters, that would’ve felt more ...