Scripps Institution of Oceanography's research vessel New Horizon was named in memory of the R/V Horizon which launched the institution's major expeditions. R/V Horizon operated first off California, ...
R/V Roger Revelle is a highly capable Global Class research vessel that operates worldwide as part of the U.S. Academic Research Fleet. Operated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography as a shared-use ...
USNI News is the independent, non-profit news service of the Naval Institute. Our mission is to provide unbiased coverage of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and international maritime ...
A medium uncrewed surface vessel (MUSV) prototype being built for ... program of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Called Defiant, the vessel would be capable of operating ...
A research ship has left from Southampton on a 9,000-mile expedition to the South Atlantic Ocean. The Royal Research Ship (RRS) Discovery is making the six-week voyage to survey the seabed off ...