It was a huge trade centre in the heart of Mesoamerica. The Maya were so successful at farming was because they studied the stars and the weather. This meant they were able to create very detailed ...
Around the shores of this lake in southwestern Guatemala, Maya artisans have come together to showcase their crafts, be it by ...
The areas include Maya fields and farming villages. Auld-Thomas shared that the sites announced on Tuesday are pretty much in ...
Most Maya today live in poor farming communities, and Chaak, who remains so important to them, is celebrated seasonally in an extended rain-calling prayer known as a Cha Chaak. Some 80 miles ...
Some newly discovered areas are Maya fields and farming villages, which offer insight about ancient rural life, Canuto said, ...
Then, in 964, the Itzás, a Maya-speaking people from the Petén rain forest around Tikal, moved into the city. Archeologists have fully explored only about 20 or 30 of several hundred buildings ...
Forest farming can also help to conserve the species ... communities have started harvesting both palms and ramón nuts from the Maya Biosphere Reserve, using plantations and management plans ...
It was a huge trade centre in the heart of Mesoamerica. The Maya were so successful at farming was because they studied the stars and the weather. This meant they were able to create very detailed ...