At Drexel, math majors forge their own academic paths, gaining the skills to ask the right questions and solve real-world problems. WHAT JOBS CAN YOU GET WITH A MATHEMATICS DEGREE? Math major careers ...
I chose a double major in math, particularly the BA, because I love mathematics and couldn’t get enough of it. In addition, a double major will separate me from my peers when looking for jobs. Even ...
Math teachers love mathematics and understand it well, but much more than that, they enjoy sharing their enthusiasm for the language of numbers with students. Math teachers use a variety of tools and ...
Students who complete the BA in mathematics also pursue careers in education, law and medicine. In recent years, about 65% of math majors pursued the BA track. The BA Mathematics major requires ...
Experts say a math degree is helpful for obtaining the following types of jobs. However, it should be noted that there are other occupations that math grads may pursue besides these: Noah ...
If you are a First Year student in the College of Arts & Sciences, you can declare a Math major or minor with your First Year Advisor. All other students who are interested in declaring a Math major ...
The required lower division core courses for a mathematics major are Calculus I, II, and III (MATH 2200, 2205, 2210), Applied Differential Equations I (MATH 2310), Elementary Linear Algebra (MATH 2250 ...