than rumors arise of an intended protest upon the part of our Government against Japan's carryings on in Manchuria. We are told that she asserts there a dominance that threatens our trade ...
The Japanese press and public was most concerned over developments at Geneva, for Japan is sincerely anxious for the League of Nations to approve her activities in Manchuria. Japanese diplomatic ...
Williams, E. T. (Edgar Trevor), Salter, Arthur., Special Collections & Archives, Queen’s University Belfast [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1932. Two pamphlets bound together, no ...
24, 1933 (UP) - The Japanese delegation, defying world opinion, withdrew from the League of Nations Assembly today after the assembly had adopted a report blaming Japan for events in Manchuria.
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the full text of this article in ...
Even after Japan left the League of Nations ... Initially, the Sanjiang district of eastern Manchuria and the Rehe region of southwestern Manchuria were designated as cultivation areas, but ...
THE facilities afforded by extended railway communication to remote regions of eastern Asia have rendered it possible for the leisured tourist to travel safely, and with comparative comfort, from ...
Famed actor Hisaya Morishige (1913-2009) worked at a broadcasting station in Xinjing in the former Manchuria during World War II. When Japan’s defeat became increasingly likely, he was tasked ...