编注: 本文是「2024 年度征文」记录赛道的入围文章。文章代表作者个人观点,少数派仅对标题和排版略作修改。▍缘起「本文参加年度征文活动记录赛道」我总是热衷于鼓捣各种数码产品,我拥有的第一台 Mac,是一台 13 英寸 MacBook Pro ...
Lastly, your television can become a full powered, separate display when connected to your Mac through AirPlay. As a small, additional improvement, Finder windows can now expand to full screen. Craig ...
In this post, you’ll find over 70 tips, tricks, and details of OS X Mavericks that we’ve collected throughout the summer since the first beta release the new operating system. Mavericks’ release was ...