Avoid loose or baggy shirts--they could gather ... "The elastic waist with drawstring is very comfortable yet secure to wear in yoga. The fabric looks and feels great and has a four-way stretch ...
Over the past 12 months, Krissy Jones, the founder of the New York City-based yoga studio Sky Ting has observed that her members are so eager to wear looser shapes that some have worn pyjama pants ...
If you love shopping on Amazon for activewear because of the great prices and fast, easy delivery, then Amazon’s new Haul ...
As the nights draw in and temperatures plummet, you’d be forgiven for not wanting to have ice-cold feet in the yoga studio, but is it advisable to wear socks during class? I practise yoga in my ...
‘In modalities such as Pilates, barre or yoga, practitioners often wear grip socks to prevent any ... but on some smaller-footed folk they are a little loose, so if you're in that bracket ...