My instinct then was this could possibly be a sighting of the Loch Ness Monster. 'I assume the hump-shaped object is a front body part of the creature, and the rest of it is beneath the surface.
"Representing the Loch Ness Centre brand you will be sharing your insights and knowledge, you will give our guests a unique and unparalleled perspective on famous sightings of the monster and the ...
The sighting, which reportedly lasted for several minutes, is now being hailed by the Loch Ness Centre as the first glimpse of the mythical monster in 2025. General manager Nagina Ishaq said ...
There’s something fishy going on at Scotland’s Dores Beach. Could it be the Loch Ness Monster? Well, it just might be because, according to the Loch Ness Centre, a man reported the first ...
While Alan Mackenna, of Loch Ness Exploration, urged people to keep on sharing any potential photos of the monster. He said: "It's fantastic to see the ongoing enthusiasm for scanning the waters ...
This is a fun one: Researchers have used a database of Loch Ness Monster reports to show how anecdotal evidence can, contrary to the common view among scientists, be mined for usable data.
READ MORE: 15 baby names you may not realise are Scottish and their unique meanings READ MORE ... The Loch Ness Centre is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the Loch Ness Monster and has hosted ...
University researchers have uncovered a huge break through for anyone hoping to catch a glimpse of Scotland's iconic Loch Ness Monster. Now, researchers from St Andrews University have used ...
A man on the shores of Scotland's Dores Beach said he saw the elusive Loch Ness monster emerging from the depths of the loch, the first potential Nessie sighting reported to The Loch Ness Centre ...
It does not necessarily reflect the view of The Herald. The search for The Loch Ness Monster will be stepped up in May with new technology being used to scour the depths of the loch. The Loch Ness ...