My instinct then was this could possibly be a sighting of the Loch Ness Monster. 'I assume the hump-shaped object is a front body part of the creature, and the rest of it is beneath the surface.
A mysterious black hump filmed “rising and falling” is believed by an enthusiast to be the Loch Ness Monster, finally caught on camera. Eoin O’Faodhagain was watching for the fabled beast ...
The unbelievable story behind the Loch Ness Monster, and how the search for it has attracted people from across the world for decades. Show more The unbelievable story behind the Loch Ness Monster ...
The sighting, which reportedly lasted for several minutes, is now being hailed by the Loch Ness Centre as the first glimpse of the mythical monster in 2025. General manager Nagina Ishaq said ...
The unexpected capture of a living coelacanth in the 1930s was 'the most sensational natural history discovery' of the century. In April 1939, New Zealand's Auckland Star proclaimed that the Loch Ness ...
University researchers have uncovered a huge break through for anyone hoping to catch a glimpse of Scotland's iconic Loch Ness Monster. Now, researchers from St Andrews University have used ...
Alan McKenna, founder of Loch Ness Exploration (LNE), believes elusive 'standing waves' might explain sightings of the mythical monster. He said: 'A standing wave occurs when two boat wakes of the ...
the world-renowned body of water in Scotland home to the so-called “Loch Ness Monster,” have announced the first potential sighting of the elusive beast in 2025. Photos showing a “black mass ...
The first potential sighting of the Loch Ness Monster of 2025 has been reported ... The centre has used state-of-the-art equipment, including hydrophones and sonar, to explore the depths of ...