Overexpression of SHR enhance mesophyll cell division, resulting in a substantial reduction in leaf vein density. However, exogenous auxin treatments led to an increase in leaf vein density.
In this three week lab, students use the technique of making clear nail polish impressions of leaf stomata to generate and test an hypothesis of their choice about how leaf stomata density might vary ...
According to a new study, web-like patterns of leaf veining in flowering plants developed earlier than previously believed.
In this case, stomata density may increase or decrease in response to environmental ... no damaged areas, and no big leaf vein impressions in view. 9. Count all stomata you see and record the number ...
Researchers claim that the leaf vein-inspired structure successfully overcomes the conventional trade-offs by enabling the actuator to move quickly without sacrificing strength or longevity.
Currently, we are working hard on retrieving the leaf venation parameters from these samples (Figure 7), in which looping and vein density are our main parameters to be correlated to gas exchange ...
The leaf vein-inspired structure allows the actuator to respond quickly while maintaining strength and durability. The new actuator design combines the fast response of lightweight materials with ...