A major concern in many laboratories is the proper storage of chemicals. The best approach to this issue will vary from to lab, depending on the chemical inventory of the lab, the storage space ...
Organize your laboratory so that clear walkways are provided, with designated storage areas for chemicals and hazardous waste; avoid clutter that can prevent access to safety equipment, or which can ...
Some of the sections that make up RIT’s CHP include Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures for: proper chemical storage, proper handling of particularly hazardous chemicals, exposure control ...
The following video captures 3 University accidents that involved the mismanagement of chemicals with dire consequences. This is a good learning opportunity to understand what can go wrong and what ...
“Laboratory use of hazardous chemicals” is defined as handling or use of such chemicals in which all of the following conditions are met: Chemical manipulations are carried out on a laboratory scale; ...
Special Handling and/or Storage Requirements Oxidizers should be stored in a cool and dry location. Segregate oxidizers from all other chemicals in the laboratory. Minimize the quantities of strong ...
Lab Closing/Disposal: In the event of lab closure or relocation ... in acquiring them or manifest and dispose of the chemicals as hazardous waste according to EH&S guidelines. Ensuring the correct ...
Common examples of spill-causing incidents and associated prevention techniques are shown in Table B-1. Laboratory spills can occur during a chemical's storage, transportation, or transfer, as well as ...
All work involving highly reactive chemicals should be approved by the laboratory supervisor before initiation of the work. Handle reactive chemicals with caution, including segregation in storage and ...
(d) Eating, smoking, etc.: Avoid eating, drinking, smoking, gum chewing, or application of cosmetics in areas where laboratory chemicals are present (22, 24, 32, 40); wash hands before conducting ...