In the article "Japan's 'Flexicurity' Approach: Reforming labor market institutions with a focus on reassurance, training, and flexibility," one of two featured articles in this month's RIETI Report, ...
Japan's labor shortage is a growing problem, but a more flexible and fluid jobs market can help workers excel. Authorities hope that will lead to productivity gains that will help the economy.
On paper, Japan’s output gap ... the BOJ said a dwindling pool of female and elderly workers meant labor market conditions are tightening even amid subdued economic growth.
Faced with an aging population and labor shortages, Japanese businesses ... Research firm Fuji Keizai projects the country’s service robot market to nearly triple by 2030, to ¥400 billion ...
TOKYO -- As Japan's restaurant industry grapples with a serious shortage of labor, the local affiliate of a trendy international tea brand that originated in Taiwan stands as a sharp -- and ...