There are 3m jobs available in America that are not filled because too many of our people don’t have the skills for those ...
Labor challenges and operational bottlenecks plague our supply chains like they have for years, but the nature and scope of these difficulties continue to evolve.
South Korea is projected to face a labor shortage of 820,000 workers by 2033, as the country’s economically active population ...
Hiring and retaining drivers is uniquely difficult among for-hire, long-haul, truckload carriers. Often dubbed “the driver ...
Fearing roundups, many immigrants are staying home. Construction, agriculture, senior care and hospitality employers say ...
Japan's service robot industry is set to triple in size by 2030. The country has become a hotbed for service robotics—from ...
According to data released by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, the US remodeling market soared above $600 ...
The European Commission has identified 42 occupations facing significant shortages, particularly in the construction, transport, and healthcare sectors, and is ...
The small number of locally-based CPAs highlights a bigger trend of a labor shortage in the industry. In terms of local CPAs, ...
Energy Minister Chris Bowen has claimed a pre-election win on gas with a boost in production set to divert a projected ...
Shadow energy minister Susan McDonald has hit out at Labor over Australia’s looming gas crisis, declaring state and federal governments needed to “get out of the way” and allow more projects to ...
This is so dumb or corrupt that I don’t know where to look. Sky. Shadow energy minister Susan McDonald has hit out at Labor ...