LCD screens come in passive and active technologies, which are explained in this definition. For details about how liquid crystals work, see LCD subpixels for color screens and seven-segment ...
A reflective LCD uses the ambient light in the vicinity. The light passes through the LCD layer to a mirror, which reflects it back to the viewer. The least costly, reflective LCDs require bright ...
Here you'll find reviews and news on the latest in cutting-technologies for GPUs (Graphics Processing Units), LED and LCD computer display monitors, sound cards, PC and wireless speaker systems ...
具体来说, 传统LCD屏幕的背光源使用的是大面积的冷阴极管,Mini LED采用了更小的发光二极管作为背光源,其灯珠更小,分区数也就更高,亮度会高很多。 目前Mini LED技术在电视领域大放异彩,但在手机领域里没有得到推广,主要原因是手机屏幕尺寸较小,难以布局庞大的Mini LED背光分区。
A case in point is the miserable monochrome LCD that was originally installed in the Amstrad PPC640 portable 8086 PC that [Drygol] recently picked up. He decided that his portable Amstrad sessions ...